
My Thoughts on Pokémon: Let's Go, Pikachu! and Let's Go, Eevee!

When I woke up this morning, I'd completely forgotten about the recent Pokémon rumours (it was 6am, don't blame me). I had a notification on my phone from Pokémon GO , informing me about the appearance of Alolan Exeggutor. So I opened the app with the intention of catching one, when I was given a news update with the title "Say Alola to Pokémon: Let's Go, Pikachu! and Let's Go, Eevee! with Alolan Exeggutor". After the initial heart attack, all the recent rumours came flooding back to me and I scrambled to check Twitter with the hopes of finding some more information. I was presented with countless articles from news sites, so I picked one and started reading about the latest Pokémon  games. I have to say, reading about these games at 6:10am, I felt pretty disappointed. Whilst it was the Pokémon Yellow  remake that rumours had been mentioning, small things such as no wild Pokémon battles, Pokémon GO style catching, no online play and Pokémon encounters n

Character Profiles: Phoenix Wright

HOLD IT! This post contains spoilers for the entire Ace Attorney  series! Phoenix Wright is the titular character of the Ace Attorney series, which means he's kind of a big deal. If, unlike me, you started your Ace Attorney  adventure with Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney , Phoenix is the character you likely associate most with Ace Attorney . But besides being the main character in most of the games (the obvious exceptions being Apollo Justice  and Spirit of Justice ), who is Phoenix Wright? What's his story? That's the truth I'm aiming to discover today. We first encounter Phoenix as a nervous, rookie lawyer, about to take on his first case; murder. And his childhood friend is the accused. So, not exactly an easy start, perhaps. That said, Phoenix manages to swiftly uncover the truth behind the incident, with only a little help from his mentor, Mia Fey. Throughout Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney , we watch Phoenix grow not only as a lawyer, but as a person, thanks to

My Thoughts on Ace Attorney Switch Rumours

HOLD IT! This post contains spoilers for Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Spirit of Justice ! Capcom recently revealed in an interview that they're planning on increasing their support for the Nintendo Switch after April 2018. For whatever reason, the only franchise they specifically mentioned was Ace Attorney , much to my surprise and delight. For a few days, there was all sorts of speculation regarding this interview; could they mean new games, ports of old ones or both? A few days later, Kotaku revealed they have sources saying that Capcom is currently working on three Ace Attorney  titles for the Switch; two of which are compilations of past titles and one brand new title ( Ace Attorney 7 , for all intents and purposes). They say the two compilations contain Ace Attorney 1-3 and 4-6 respectively, and are planning on releasing them between April and October 2018. That's pretty exciting in and of itself; the Switch is growing at a rapid pace and opportunity for the Ace

Why I'm Excited for Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney on 3DS

HOLD IT! This post contains spoilers for Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney ! Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney  is coming to 3DS very soon and I, for one, am excited. To most it's probably just a re-release of a 10 year old game but to me it's more than a little special. It's not a new game (nor one that I haven't played three or four times before) but I'll be playing it as soon as it releases, as if it were brand new. Honestly, it's difficult to explain in words why I'm looking forward to this game so much. Is it the new features that bring Apollo Justice  up to the standards of the recent games? Or the fact that the graphics and sound have been given a 3DS overhaul? Or maybe I'm just that big of an Ace Attorney  fanboy? It's probably the last one, but let's ignore that and talk about the other reasons. Capcom Unity recently published a charming blog post detailing some of the enhancements in the 3DS version of Apollo Justice . Titled " Tr

Character Profiles: Apollo Justice

HOLD IT! This post contains spoilers for Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney , Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Dual Destinies and P hoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Spirit of Justice . Apollo Justice might not be everyone's first thought when they think about Ace Attorney  - after all, even Edgeworth has his name in more game titles than he does - but perhaps it should be. I began my Ace Attorney  adventure with Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney , so I've always had a soft spot for Polly, but I think a lot of people have warmed up to him over the years, and for good reason. We first learn about Apollo Justice in his own game. Phoenix Wright was given a back seat in favour of this rookie attorney, and people weren't too happy. But right from the beginning, I liked Apollo. He was nervous, tackling his first case, but he still managed to find the truth and ensure justice prevailed, even if it meant, well... you know. Finding his boss guilty of murder. His enthusiasm is inspiri

Why Isn't Capcom Localising the Dai Gyakuten Saiban Games?

The life of an Ace Attorney  fan isn't an easy one. When a new game gets announced, any potential excitement I might have is quickly replaced with worries; will it even be localised? Spirit of Justice 's localisation was thankfully announced very shortly after the Japanese announcement, but some games aren't so lucky. Dai Gyakuten Saiban is currently a series of two games, the most recent one being a direct sequel to the first. The games take place in the past and feature Phoenix Wright's ancestor. Yet, Capcom outside of Japan has made no attempt to even acknowledge these games existence. Not even so much as a "hey, we're sorry but we aren't localising these games", which wouldn't be great but it'd be a lot better than silence. I still live in hope that I'll wake up one day to a surprise localisation announcement, but it's not looking likely. Whilst the lack of any official statement is probably just down to Capcom's bad handl

Case Review: The First Turnabout

Ace Attorney  is a game series that is split up into multiple separate cases, which are often wildly different to each other. I thought it'd be interesting to review them separately, looking closely at each case and its good and not so good points. Where better to start than the beginning of the Ace Attorney  series - The First Turnabout? HOLD IT! This post contains spoilers for The First Turnabout from Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney . Look away now if you haven't played it! The First Turnabout may be a straightforward case but it's an important one, as it holds the position of the first case in the first Ace Attorney  game. It's the case most Ace Attorney  players will begin with (not myself, Turnabout Trump was my first case) and probably the one that gets them hooked on playing more of this unique series. I said The First Turnabout was straightforward, but is it? Well, let's take a closer look at it. The case features the court debut of Phoenix Wright and th