
Showing posts from November, 2017

My Thoughts on Ace Attorney Switch Rumours

HOLD IT! This post contains spoilers for Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Spirit of Justice ! Capcom recently revealed in an interview that they're planning on increasing their support for the Nintendo Switch after April 2018. For whatever reason, the only franchise they specifically mentioned was Ace Attorney , much to my surprise and delight. For a few days, there was all sorts of speculation regarding this interview; could they mean new games, ports of old ones or both? A few days later, Kotaku revealed they have sources saying that Capcom is currently working on three Ace Attorney  titles for the Switch; two of which are compilations of past titles and one brand new title ( Ace Attorney 7 , for all intents and purposes). They say the two compilations contain Ace Attorney 1-3 and 4-6 respectively, and are planning on releasing them between April and October 2018. That's pretty exciting in and of itself; the Switch is growing at a rapid pace and opportunity for the Ace

Why I'm Excited for Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney on 3DS

HOLD IT! This post contains spoilers for Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney ! Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney  is coming to 3DS very soon and I, for one, am excited. To most it's probably just a re-release of a 10 year old game but to me it's more than a little special. It's not a new game (nor one that I haven't played three or four times before) but I'll be playing it as soon as it releases, as if it were brand new. Honestly, it's difficult to explain in words why I'm looking forward to this game so much. Is it the new features that bring Apollo Justice  up to the standards of the recent games? Or the fact that the graphics and sound have been given a 3DS overhaul? Or maybe I'm just that big of an Ace Attorney  fanboy? It's probably the last one, but let's ignore that and talk about the other reasons. Capcom Unity recently published a charming blog post detailing some of the enhancements in the 3DS version of Apollo Justice . Titled " Tr