My Thoughts on Apollo Justice on 3DS

It was recently announced that Capcom would be bringing Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney to the 3DS this November, finally completing the main series on 3DS. It's been a long time coming, but was almost inevitable after its recent iOS/Android release. According to Capcom, the graphics have been updated for the 3DS and the option to quickly skip text has been added.

Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney was the first game in the series that I played, for better or worse. Since then, I've replayed it at least a couple of times and I was very tempted to pick up the mobile version for another run through of my first Ace Attorney adventure. I'll likely end up buying the 3DS version when it releases in a few months to relive one of my favourite games again.

This is a game that I've seen garner a lot of hate over the years; some warranted, some not so much. At the time, it was a departure from Phoenix Wright's story (well, kind of) and the beginning of a new attorney's adventure. I personally thought it was one of the best games I'd ever played, although that could be because I hadn't previously played the original trilogy. I quickly fixed that, but Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney will always hold a special place in my heart.

Now that we've had Apollo's backstory expanded upon in both Dual Destinies and Spirit of Justice, I think a lot of people have come to accept him more. In fact, there are plenty of people out there (myself included) that now like Apollo more than Phoenix. But Apollo's own game still receives plenty of criticism and I don't think that'll change any time soon, 3DS port or not. Still, it's nice to see Capcom at least giving Apollo some love and allowing fans of Ace Attorney the opportunity to play the fourth game in the series without having to hunt down a Nintendo DS cartridge.

In fact, I think it's pretty important that Capcom continues to port the series to current systems. But with many people already abandoning the 3DS and the Switch looking like the current place to be, should they be thinking about porting the series there too? I'm planning on discussing this a little more in a later post, so keep your eyes peeled.

Regardless, I'm looking forward to replaying this game on the 3DS and seeing the updated art and locations in 3D (I think I'm one of few people who still really enjoys using the 3D effect). I'm interested in seeing if the game still holds up 10 years later or whether its flaws will be more evident this time round. Either way, I'm pretty excited to play this game again, and I hope people who gave it hate in the past are willing to give it another try. Achtung, baby!
