
Showing posts from August, 2017

Why Isn't Capcom Localising the Dai Gyakuten Saiban Games?

The life of an Ace Attorney  fan isn't an easy one. When a new game gets announced, any potential excitement I might have is quickly replaced with worries; will it even be localised? Spirit of Justice 's localisation was thankfully announced very shortly after the Japanese announcement, but some games aren't so lucky. Dai Gyakuten Saiban is currently a series of two games, the most recent one being a direct sequel to the first. The games take place in the past and feature Phoenix Wright's ancestor. Yet, Capcom outside of Japan has made no attempt to even acknowledge these games existence. Not even so much as a "hey, we're sorry but we aren't localising these games", which wouldn't be great but it'd be a lot better than silence. I still live in hope that I'll wake up one day to a surprise localisation announcement, but it's not looking likely. Whilst the lack of any official statement is probably just down to Capcom's bad handl

Case Review: The First Turnabout

Ace Attorney  is a game series that is split up into multiple separate cases, which are often wildly different to each other. I thought it'd be interesting to review them separately, looking closely at each case and its good and not so good points. Where better to start than the beginning of the Ace Attorney  series - The First Turnabout? HOLD IT! This post contains spoilers for The First Turnabout from Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney . Look away now if you haven't played it! The First Turnabout may be a straightforward case but it's an important one, as it holds the position of the first case in the first Ace Attorney  game. It's the case most Ace Attorney  players will begin with (not myself, Turnabout Trump was my first case) and probably the one that gets them hooked on playing more of this unique series. I said The First Turnabout was straightforward, but is it? Well, let's take a closer look at it. The case features the court debut of Phoenix Wright and th

The Music of Ace Attorney

Ace Attorney  is a series almost entirely based on reading, as most visual novels are. Its main selling points are its fantastic cast of characters and brilliant stories and twists. Yet it can't be understated just how important the music is in a game such as this. I haven't played an Ace Attorney game since Spirit of Justice  was released almost a year ago, yet I still listen to the series' soundtrack on an almost daily basis. For a series about solving murders, you'd perhaps expect a subdued soundtrack with sombre tones; yet that's not the case at all.  Ace Attorney 's music is amazingly powerful; it does have darker sounding tracks for tense moments, but the main pieces, the ones you hear the most, are instead filled with hope. The objection and pursuit themes especially are perfect; they fit the mood perfectly and reflect the lawyer's unwavering eye - constantly searching for the truth despite all hardships. Of course, the soundtrack still has its f

What's Next for Ace Attorney?

HOLD IT! This post contains major spoilers, particularly for Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney ,  Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Dual Destinies and Spirit of Justice . If you haven't played those games, look away now; spoilers are unmarked! In recent times, it seems like the Ace Attorney series has been steadily gaining popularity, especially in Japan. The series received an anime and has had a new game in Japan for the past three years ( Dai Gyakuten Saiban in 2015, Spirit of Justice  in 2016 and Dai Gyakuten Saiban 2 this year). Sadly, Capcom has failed to localise the Dai Gyakuten Saiban games (although I'm living in hope that it'll happen one day), but their English  Spirit of Justice  marketing was perhaps the best the series has ever seen, with a localisation announcement from day one and constant updates, videos and social media coverage. Whilst we might not get the spin-off games in English any time soon, I think it's natural to assume we're all but guaran

My Thoughts on Apollo Justice on 3DS

It was recently announced that Capcom would be bringing Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney to the 3DS this November, finally completing the main series on 3DS. It's been a long time coming, but was almost inevitable after its recent iOS/Android release. According to Capcom, the graphics have been updated for the 3DS and the option to quickly skip text has been added. Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney was the first game in the series that I played, for better or worse. Since then, I've replayed it at least a couple of times and I was very tempted to pick up the mobile version for another run through of my first Ace Attorney adventure. I'll likely end up buying the 3DS version when it releases in a few months to relive one of my favourite games again. This is a game that I've seen garner a lot of hate over the years; some warranted, some not so much. At the time, it was a departure from Phoenix Wright's story (well, kind of) and the beginning of a new attorney's adv

Turnabout Analysis: Case Names - Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney

In video games, names can give a strong first impression, regardless of whether you're talking about a person, place, or even item. Sometimes developers even enjoy leaving subtle (or sometimes not so subtle) jokes or puns in names. The  Ace Attorney  developers like to do this a lot, particularly with character names (Frank Sahwit, anyone?). However, this time I'm taking a look at the case names instead. You only see them for a split second on the main menu before you start the case, but do they hide any secrets? Why did the developers choose that particular name? Is there any interesting trivia behind these case titles? That's what I'm hoping to find out! It's worth nothing that this post contains major spoilers; if you haven't played Ace Attorney (or Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney  in particular), look away now! The First Turnabout So, we're starting off simple. This one doesn't need much explanation; it's the first case in the entire se

Court Is Now In Session!

Welcome to the Wrigh- uh, Write Anything Agency ! Yes, I know that's awful but you should start as you mean to go on, right? I was originally planning on naming this blog something simple, like  Courtroom No. 4 , but the final name fits better and is a bad pun, so it's even better in my eyes. As is probably evident at this point, I'm a huge Ace Attorney fan, which is what initially inspired me to create this blog in order to better discuss my thoughts and such. So, as you might expect, the Write Anything Agency  is going to focus primarily on Ace Attorney related content, from my thoughts about the games and its characters, to news, to analysing areas of the franchise in detail. That said, it's possible you'll see posts about other games or series on here; I'm not limiting myself to talking strictly about Ace Attorney . You might see some pieces about the other countless Nintendo games I play (or have played in the past). Keep your eyes peeled! That'